Renter to Homeowner Pathway

There's no long term value in renting, but there are so many benefits of owning a home! With zero and low down payment options plus flexible financing, buying is easier and more affordable than you think. Read on to learn more about your options, and make sure to bookmark this page!

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    Get Our E-Book "The Path to Home Ownership"

    This free step-by-step guide offers clear advice to help make your real estate journey easier!


    Steps to Buying Your New Home

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    Look for a Home

    Now is the time to take the first step.

    Many renters worry that affording to buy a home will be the hardest part of their journey, but our expertise and array of financing options can make that easy! The real challenge is finding your dream home and securing it before someone else does. Start your search now!


    Rent vs. Buy Calculator

    Your money goes farther when you buy.

    You might be surprised to learn how much home you could afford to buy for the same or even less than you’re paying in rent. For example, if you’re paying $1,800 in monthly rent, you could potentially afford a home worth $300,000 or more. Find out your buying power today using our online calculator!


    Get Pre-Qualified

    Shop for a home with confidence.

    Even if you’re just browsing for homes, getting pre-qualified for financing is the smart move. By learning how much home you can afford and what your costs will be, you’ll be able to make educated decisions and find the perfect home where you’re comfortable in every way, including financially.


    Your Credit Score

    Think your credit score is too low to buy a home? Think again.

    You don’t have to assume that a low credit score stands between you and homeownership. We have financing options tailored for buyers with low credit scores and even offer credit repair assistance to help you on your journey. It’s time to see what’s possible — contact us today!

    - Find Your Credit Score for Free

    - How to Buy a Home When You Have Imperfect Credit

    - Contact Us for Help to Improve Your Credit Score


    Benefits of Buying a Home

    Break the cycle of renting.

    Stop being held back by pet policies, landlord restrictions, and limitations on personalizing your space. Homeownership gives you the freedom to make your house YOURS, as well as significant financial benefits including home equity and major tax advantages. Click below to learn more about some of the benefits of owning instead of renting.


    No Money Down Options

    You don't need a fortune in savings.

    You may be surprised to know that in some cases, you can buy a home with no more money than you would put down for your rent and deposit. We have the biggest variety of loan options, and we’ll help you avoid any financial surprises along the way. Click below to explore some possibilities, and contact us anytime to chat about your options!

    Buyers & Agent in Doorway

    Additional Resources


    Get Our E-Book "The Path to Home Ownership"

    This free step-by-step guide offers clear advice to help make your real estate journey easier! Register here to download your free copy.